Sunday, May 30, 2010


If the world was full of more:

Motorcyclists that use hand signals.
Places that are so beautiful I wish there wasn't a road running through them.
Houses that you feel comfortable in.
Best friends.
Drunk Gay guys.
Dogs that recognize you.
People that can keep secrets.
Friends that get mad at someone that's wronged you.
New Luda songs.
The 1990's
Good high school teachers, that cry on your last day.

This would be a beautiful world.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 20?

Planning. In my head it all seems so nice, I just hope I'm a psychic guru and that's what will really happen.

Its late, sleep.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Some days all I want to do is lay in bed and sleep. I mean now that I have the ability to do that it's all I think of. Of course, there's always that bastard voice in the back of my mind that screams Get up and do something! I imagine he has a scottish accent, it makes it seem more real and forceful. My subconscious is fuck't.

Some days all I want to do is get out of bed and forget he's gone. Even though I know deep down I can, the ability to erase him from my mind is impossible. Of course, he isn't the sole thing I think of, but he's the majority. I just miss him, I imagine he misses me too, he says so.

By the way, today is our anniversary.
How cute.

Thursday, May 13, 2010



Well this is my first featured person.
Obama & Luda


Christopher Brian Bridges. He's sold 24 MILLION albums world wide (I'd like to point out the last Ludacris CD I bought was $12.) I'd like to point out something a lot of people don't know, Ludacris was born in Champain Illinois. I mean, come onnnnnn. ILLINOIS. Duh, obviously all great there. Anyway, Ludacris is my favorite mainstream rap artist. Recently he collaborated with none other than.....


justin bieber

Oh Luda, what have you gotten yourself into? Now 12 year olds are looking up the "dirty south mouth" I secretly love. I mean come on, Ludcris has a daughter named Karma. I'm sure she loves Bieber, she's female, younger than 20 (she's 8) and well...probably has Bieber fever. I bet he wouldn't appreciate his daughter looking up "Blueberry Yum Yum" or "Area Codes".

This just proves one thing.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

20100512 (part 1?)

why does my foot still hurt.

im in a lot of pain right now, I will post a real post tomorrow, or later depending on my creativity flow or lack of.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Until I closed the door and we drove off.

And it all still seems unreal.

Where do I go from here?

Monday, May 10, 2010


Today I woke up with a sore throat and topped off the day with a migraine. How gracious. In spite of the bad health though I got letters in the mail today from the beloved. How nice it is to see his handwriting, how nice it is to sniff the pages and smell his hands. (I promise, any letter you get will smell like his/her hands, sniff) How nice it is to know someone was thinking of me and that someone cares.

I'm going to try to update this blog as often as possible, maybe once a day maybe once every other day we never know. I want to fill it with things I know in 10 years when I read back over this is I will look back and say man, I lived the life I wanted to live. I did the right thing.

I can start off with this:

in·teg·ri·ty (n-tgr-t)
1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.