Friday, June 25, 2010


First off, I refuse to acknowledge Michael Jackson.

Are you willing to sacrifice the life of your child or lover to support a war?
This question was taken from "25 Questions that provoke thought".

I'd like to answer this question. My "lover" joined the Army. He joined the Army to fight for the United States of America, to fight for every citizen's freedom. I didn't "sacrifice" him. He chose to answer the higher calling of the military. He chose to give your sons and daughters, your mothers and fathers, your sisters and brothers the freedoms you take for granted every day.

This is now going to branch off into a tangent about the Westboro Baptist Church. Does anyone else find it funny that they exercise their right to free speech but it's the "fag sin" soldiers that give them that right. That shit doesn't happen in Korea, because no one has rights there. But hey, be my guest move to fucking Korea. Another thing about WBC, they use computers and internet as propaganda, right? ( Really? ) A homosexual invented the computer. :]

I has it.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

I didn't sacrifice anything. He sacrificed everything.

Thank a veteran.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Smells I absolutely love/hate:
-Dryer Sheets: Love
-My Dad: Love
-Higher Energy: Love
-Feet: Hate
-Rain (ozone): Love
-Newspaper: Love
-New shoes: Love
-Coconut: Hate
-Gasoline: Love
-Crayons: Love
-Playdoh: Love
-Cumin: Love and Hate, sometimes it smells like BO and sometimes it smells like chili.

Monday, June 7, 2010


I'm reading this book, well more like writing in, it's called "List Your Self" by Ilene Segalove. It's all topics for you to make lists about so I've decided to do a list series (like I've already started, sort of)

Things the world would be better without:
-Really long red lights.
-Addictive personalities.
-Free speech, Oh the conundrum.
-Bad music.
-Jaded kids.
-Bad Parents.
-Tummy aches.
-The need to do dishes.
secretly, I kinda like the world the way it is though, I'm scared of change.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Now that you're out of my life I feel so free. I can hate who I want. I can love who I can't. I can see where I should be. I can go where I shouldn't.

Man it feels good.

I'm just going to get this out there, I'm not a very accepting person, I thought you were wrong every step you made. I thought you were a disgrace to humanity, oh maybe that's because you are.

We aren't friends not because you're a dirty hooker, not because you're a liar, not because you're a loud mouth and not because you're so deep in drugs I don't recognize you.

Because I grew up, and you didn't.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Things I love about you:
The taste of your smile.
The smell of your neck.
The calm you bring.
The way you play.
The moments you're serious.
The songs we share.
The seconds we are silent.
The way you treat me like nothing in the world could ever replace me.
The sudden growing up you've done.
The things that remind me of you.
The spaces between your fingers.
The way mine fit perfectly.
How big of a cliche we are.
No matter what the Government says, you're my property.


how come i cant shit out a poem when i really need the release.
pent up.
I need words to flow or I'm going to burst.

perhaps a poem about needing to write a poem?

what a calamity.

Speaking of calamity, if you read this.
You're a goodfornothingfriendstealingdirtynastycrackedoutstankmouthslut.

:] just so we're clear, if you try to even talk to him I will strangle you with your umbilical cord at birth, yep I went there.